Monday, May 6, 2024

Desktop Coffee Machines, The Tiny Machine With A Big Caffeine Boost!

April 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Coffee Machine

Gone are the days of industrial size drinks machines. Instead you can now get your hands on miniature drinks machines capable of slotting neatly onto your desk. As crazy as it sounds, you can simply reach over, and wit the touch of a few buttons have a steaming hot cup of coffee in your hands without ever having to leave your desk.

These fantastic new inventions are becoming the must have office accessory, with some of the larger corporations in London all vying to get their hands on one.

The company ‘Flavia’ is helping this new caffeine craze take off. Having produced the Flavia Creation 400 a desktop coffee machine capable of producing a great cp of coffee right when you need it most.

Forget ugly old fashioned machines, these desktop darlings are something everyone that’s ever worked in an office will want, available online the only indecision you’ll face after purchasing one is shall I take one sugar or two?

Choose from an array of coffees, teas and chocolates all available in fresh foil sealed sachets and away you go. It’s easier than ordering a ‘full fat, double cream latte with foam’ from a regular coffee shop, but just as tasty!!

Technology is advancing, and as such so are the manufacturers of these handy little machines. You can choose from over 30 different beverage combinations so as you’ll never get bored when it comes to ‘break time’

Who would have thought 20 years ago that you’d be able to press a button and have a quality cup of coffee in your hand within seconds? Let alone that the machine producing it would be no bigger than a computer monitor.

Coffee machines aren’t what they used to be… in fact they’re getting better and better all the time. <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href="">Flavia drinks machines</a> are just one example of how technology is advancing, so keep your eyes peeled for even more advancement in the future, and if you don’t believe me why not try one of these delicious desktop treats yourself?

Anna Rabe, Freelance Web Content Article Writer for three years.

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